
06/10/2022 RSP-01 became a shooting star with 17,067 wishes and successfully completed its last mission.
06/24/2021 ”English version” is now open. You can switch the language by clicking the button on the upper right.
06/24/2021 We have added data items and graphs for “solar panel current” and “angular velocity” to ”Trace” page.
05/31/2021 We have reached our crowdfunding goal!! Thank you very much for your support!
05/09/2021 ”Trace” page is now open, where you can check RSP-01's current location and various other information.
05/08/2021 We have added “The First shots” (thumbmnail) of selfie to the “Selfie Pictures” page.
05/02/2021 We have added two new card designs that you can get for “Receiving Report” .They will be chosen at random.
04/26/2021 We have started crowdfunding .We look forward to your support.
03/25/2021 ”Selfie Pictures” page and “Chatbot” page is now open.
03/13/2021 ”Receiving Report” page is now open, and “mission description information" added to the TOP page.
02/20/2021 Selfie sataelite “RSP-01(Selfie-sh)” Official Website is now open.